Sape tau pasal Sam?Angkat tgn cepat..Cik Cookie knal Sam mase ke bilik Puan Sri nak check line internet.Masa tgk pic tu kat paper Utusan cukup menyentap jiwa.
Gambar yg mengaut keuntungan $500,000 untuk didermakan pada Wildlife Foundation
Sam the koala grabbed the hearts of millions after a photograph of the burnt animal being given a drink of water by firefighter David Tree in the blackened ash was flashed across the world.Masa tgk pic cukup2 meruntun hati sape yg tgk.Kulit dia dah 2nd stage burn especially tapak tgn dan tapak kaki.Biasa koala bear ssh nak didekati oleh manusia kalau yg jenis liar tapi ternyata Sam ckp memerlukan pertolongan pada waktu itu.The only adorable Sam.
Masa tgk pic tuh Cik Cookie dah mula simpan impian nak g Australia nak g tgk Sam.
Tapi hr ni semua dah berlalu.Cik Cookie ke bilik Puan Sri untuk berjumpa PA dia and she told me"Sam just dead".Sedihnya Cik Cookie.Like i lost something special.I'm sobbing like a baby and I am a grown woman.
After battling the injuries she received in the fires that cost the lives of 173 Victorians, Sam was put down yesterday after surgery complications related to life-threatening chlamydia.She was expected to undergo surgery today to treat cysts as a result of urogenital chlamydiosis, a life-threatening disease that can cause infertility, urinary tract infections and blindness.Kalau kita sebagai amnusia lebih kepada cancer ovari and cervical.
Kisah Sam mengingatkan Cik Cookie pada kucing Cik Cookie yg mati 5 tahun lepas.She fight so hard to cover from the flu.
Gambar yg mengaut keuntungan $500,000 untuk didermakan pada Wildlife Foundation
Sam the koala grabbed the hearts of millions after a photograph of the burnt animal being given a drink of water by firefighter David Tree in the blackened ash was flashed across the world.Masa tgk pic cukup2 meruntun hati sape yg tgk.Kulit dia dah 2nd stage burn especially tapak tgn dan tapak kaki.Biasa koala bear ssh nak didekati oleh manusia kalau yg jenis liar tapi ternyata Sam ckp memerlukan pertolongan pada waktu itu.The only adorable Sam.
Masa tgk pic tuh Cik Cookie dah mula simpan impian nak g Australia nak g tgk Sam.
Tapi hr ni semua dah berlalu.Cik Cookie ke bilik Puan Sri untuk berjumpa PA dia and she told me"Sam just dead".Sedihnya Cik Cookie.Like i lost something special.I'm sobbing like a baby and I am a grown woman.
After battling the injuries she received in the fires that cost the lives of 173 Victorians, Sam was put down yesterday after surgery complications related to life-threatening chlamydia.She was expected to undergo surgery today to treat cysts as a result of urogenital chlamydiosis, a life-threatening disease that can cause infertility, urinary tract infections and blindness.Kalau kita sebagai amnusia lebih kepada cancer ovari and cervical.
Kisah Sam mengingatkan Cik Cookie pada kucing Cik Cookie yg mati 5 tahun lepas.She fight so hard to cover from the flu.
RIP Sam....
poor Sam..
Cedih lg..
Pais Chaos,
really poor..
Comelnya beruang koala tu... tp kat malaysia ni binatang paling comel adalah babi.. sbb tu babi x kena bunuh walaupun jelas membawa penyakit yg sgt2 berbahaya.. sbb babi tu org cina punya.. klau ayam atau lembu ni habis dah kena hukum tembak.. sbb org melayu yg bela.
emo nya abg bujang.cik cookie sokong sgt
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